Why did you choose Exeter College?

The friendliest College at Oxford is Exeter! Although we are small, it feels like a second home because most people know one another. We have a stunning chapel you pass on your way to class every day and the most proper place to watch the Radcliffe camera. Exeter College students checked on this morning to see their AS/A Level results. They put in a ton of effort, and now the wait is over. The 2022 class at Exeter College has produced the most satisfactory results ever. The College has defied the national trend by shattering records, continuing its trajectory of outcomes improvement year after year.

Students performed exceptionally well in a year where they had no prior experience with tests that were prepared and graded externally. Incredibly, 69% of students at Exeter College received high A Level grades (A*-B), exceeding the national average of 62%. The College’s total A-Level pass rate of 99.3% was much higher than the national average (98.4%), carrying on Exeter College’s tradition of excellent performance.

Food Hall

Excellent, with Harry Potter overtones, is the hall. Eating there every day is a beautiful experience. The food portions are significant and affordably priced. However, occasionally the food could taste better (not a fan of British cuisine). Because Hall offers good value quite a few people eat there. Cohen Quad is home to the Dacota Cafe, which offers delicious and reasonably priced breakfast and lunch options. There is always a beef, vegetarian, and vegan choice available. Mondays are Meat-Free, Tuesdays are Steak Night, and Fridays are Burger Night.

The formal attire is pretty standard. Once a year, the College hosts subject-themed formalsand formals for important occasions. Additionally we hold an annual international formal paid for by the JCR global rep fund. It is a chance for international students to connect and enjoy a good supper. During the pandemic, we had one in MT20; it delivered the food, some extra desserts, and a beverage.

Extracurricular Activities 

Exact, the student-run charity for Exeter is vital to the JCR. Actual events, which Exeter students put on for Oxford’s underprivileged children, are a highlight of college life. The mixed-voice choir from Exeter College performs worldwide, and every spring, the Turl Street Arts Festival features performances by poets, actresses, musicians, and other creatives from Exeter. One of Oxford’s most extensive collegiate ski trips takes place every year. Exonians are competitive, as evidenced by their achievements in sports like rowing, netball, cricket, football, and rugby. But they also enjoy making friends and having fun.

Exeter College Education

Exeter College is a general further education college located in Exeter, Devon. It was the first of its kind in England and is presently the top-ranked institution in the world. The Royal Albert Memorial Museum, established in 1869, served as the College’s inspiration. The Exeter College first established itself as a stand-alone organization in 1893 under Exeter Technical and University Extension College.  

The College educates over 12,000 students, including mature students and pupils between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, and on campus at Hele Road. The Exeter College also owns many other sites throughout the city. Exeter College collaborates with the University of Exeter to administer the specialist Exeter Mathematics School. The College offers extracurricular activities and pastoral support, and Math School students have the option of doing one A-level at the College. The third-tallest structure in Exeter is the tower block at the Hele Road campus, which was in 1963.

History of Exeter College

Exeter College was established in 1314. As a school to train clerics by Walter de Stapledon of Devon. Bishop of Exeter and afterwards treasurer to Edward II. It is in its original position on Turl Street. It’s had only twelve to fourteen students when it was known as Stapeldon Hall during its first century. From the fifteenth century onward, the College experienced substantial growth and started providing housing for its students. “Floreat Exon.” is the College’s motto, which translates to “Let Exeter Flourish.

The eight Petrean Fellowships were established in the 16th century by donations from Sir William Petre, who graduated from Exeter and whose daughter Dorothy Wadham (1534-1618) co-founded Wadham College with her husband, Nicholas Wadham (1531-1609). Additional donations from Sir William Petre’s descendants.


Although only Palmer’s Tower in the northeastern corner of the Front Quadrangle remains from the earlier structures. The Front Quadrangle roughly occupies the location of the medieval College. The tower, was built in 1432 and was previously the main entrance to the College. Is currently home to several offices and fellows’ housing at its foot. The chapel, which Sir George Gilbert Scott planned and built between 1854 and 1860 and by the Sainte-Chappelle in Paris, stands out in the quadrangle. The quadrangle was a consequence of construction during the next century.

Student Life

Exeter College, one of the smaller Oxford colleges. College known for having a close-knit community of students. On the College’s Turl Street campus, first-year students and Iffley Road have special graduate housing for the College.

As the university’s fourth-oldest College, tradition is valued. Especially on special occasions like the yearly Burns Night dinner. Which honours the Scottish poet Robert Burns and features a traditional haggis dish. The College’s connections to Williams College in the United States. The MCR’s multinational makeup makes the yearly Thanksgiving luncheon a well-attended event.

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